Posts Tagged ‘Neptune’

NASA’s Uncensored Moon Images! Life On The Moon

Here are the uncensored Moon Images taken by the Lunar Orbiter!
According to Arizona State University, the Lunar Orbiter images were all digitally scanned at 400 dpi at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. Whole images were too large to be scanned at once and were broken up into four sections.

From the data and resources about each lunar orbiter image found in Anderson and Miller (1971), they obtained information about the side length, altitude and emission angle of the images they scanned. To calculate the resolution of each image they followed several steps. They first calculated the resolution of images with an emission angle of less than 10° by dividing the side length of each image by the number of pixels, and then calculated the distance to the surface by dividing the altitude by the cosine of the emission angle. The resolution of low-emission angle images was plotted against their distance to the surface. From this was obtained the best-fit equation:
Corrected Resolution = -0.0023272 + 0.014376 * Distance to Surface
and applied it to the remaining images to get the corrected resolution.

Starship Orion – The Future of Space Travel

NASA has taken the lead in designing the new space exploration vehicle, ORION, with which man will go back to the moon, to Mars and beyond. To compress the development process, experts combined old and proven technology with the most current insights to make ORION the spaceship for the 21st century. Information from the Apollo program, space shuttle missions, personal experience and scientific data were combined to create ORION, the heart of “Project Constellation,” NASA’s new space program.

Are We Alone In The Universe?

For fifty years, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence has been scanning the galaxy for a message from an alien civilisation. So far to no avail, but a recent breakthrough suggests they may one day succeed.
Horizon joins the planet hunters who’ve discovered a new world called Gliese 581 c. It is the most Earth-like planet yet found around another star and may have habitats capable of supporting life. NASA too hopes to find fifty more Earth-like planets by the end of the decade, all of which dramatically increases the chance that alien life has begun elsewhere in the galaxy.

Part One

 Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

 Part Five